Janis’ 40th Birthday. 1975.
All photos, unless otherwise stated, by Ilgvars Broks.
Architect Irving Grossman.
I felt that my 40ieth birthday was a major point in my life and we organized a major event at our Tamarack Farm in Beaver Valley. It was a three day affair attended by about 120 people, some from far away. Armi Ratia, the founder of Marimekko, came from Finland, Nancy Hemenway and Pauline Dora came from Design Research.
We had a large machine shed which we converted into a Bistro, decorated it with branches and flowers. We built a dance floor and stage for the fashion show. A long buffet table held food and drinks and there were many tables seating four. To protect the way from the house to the Bistro, in case of rain, my dad built an enclosed walkway.
Armi and the girls from Design Research stayed at the farm, many guests stayed at Talisman Inn and other guest houses nearby. Many Karelia staff members stayed in a small community centre close by, that was turned into one big bed with blow-up mattresses and sleeping bags. Not that anyone got very much sleep. We also had a very large barn with bales of hay. We arranged the bales of hay in a U shape so that the space inside the U was just right for a double bed. Some people with sleeping bags took advantage of these and enjoyed the smell of fresh hay. We built "His" and "Hers" outhouses beside the barn.
Our friends Helga and Garry Sonnenberg and their daughters stayed at Talisman Inn. On their way from Toronto they had stopped at an auction by the roadside and Garry had inadvertently bid on a goat and a rooster. As they arrived at Talisman, they were informed that no pets were allowed. I was the lucky recipient of a goat and a rooster for my birthday.
A rooster for my birthday present. Photo: Nils Kravis.
Helga and Armi. Manure spreader behind the fence.
One morning Helga and Armi were walking on the farm, and as they passed a manure spreader, Armi asked " What is that?" Helga answered "That is a manure spreader". Armi responded " I need one of those".
Pauline Dora.
Nancy and Helga.
Helga and friends prepared all the food, the ovens and barbeques were busy and my father Arvids and Ilgvars Broks were carving various roasts.
My Dad Arvids carving a roast.
Ilgvars Broks. Photo: Guntar Kravis.
Of course there was dancing!
And a Marimekko fashion show.
Laila Rava. Marimekko fashion show.
My birthday present with Laila.
Clean-up crew after the goat.
As you can see the goat also took part in the fashion show. Unfortunately at one point he decided that he had to do "his business"and proceeded to do so all over the dance floor. I immediately sprung into action to save the day to everyones amusement.
It was a fabulous and memorable weekend. Many guests came back for day two and three, reminisced about other Karelia parties and events.
When Armi Ratia was back in Finland she wrote: "Thank You about the BEAUTIFUL time in Toronto and at the farm. It was like back in Carelia with all so friendly and natural people happily having a dear birthday party for Janis. What a party: syntymäpäiväjuhla in finnish just to show our language. Please tell my warmest regards to all people around You. ..... Your stores were beautiful and teasing to buy things. Books are such a good addition to modern home picture. If any, I feel tempted by them. ......Also, Janis furniture was good. I had sort of no idea about them before. Luckily You live in a country of wood. "
Photo: Janis Kravis.
Armi sent me this antique farmer's cupboard for my birthday with a large red heart signed my many of the marimekko people. It is from Armi's home region of Carelia.